
The WiKID Strong Authentication System uses strong asymmetric encryption to securely deliver one-time passcodes to software tokens running on PCs or smart phones. The public/private keys are generated on your devices – we never see or store them. Users can have more than one token on the same license and each token can work with multiple WiKID servers or domains.

– Software-only tokens. No hardware tokens to manage/deliver/recover.
– Server comes in RPMs or Debs for Linux or a user-friendly no-Linux knowledge needed software appliance version.
– Download the server and install the tokens – test everything before you purchase!
– Easy to use Web interface.
– Supports all major networking authentication protocols and Google Apps SSO – it will work in your environment.
– Users can register themselves based on existing trusted credentials – reducing workload.
– WiKID is designed for cloud computing and multi-tenancy.
– Much less expensive than other solutions

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