SELF 2021 - Lightning Talk Submissions
Want to give a lightning talk at the 2021 Virtual SouthEast LinuxFest? You're in the right place! Simply fill out the form below to submit your talk to SELF. Due to the volume of submissions we get, simply filling out this form does not guarantee you a speaking slot. We will announce accepted talks on the virtual conference stream Saturday June 12th at 6:00 PM ET (and via email to those accepted).

Please note that by applying to speak, you agree to our speaker release ( ), as we release video and audio of each speaker's presentation. Only one modification to the license will be accepted, and that is the use of cc-by-nd (no derivatives) instead of cc-by for the license. If this is something you want to do, you must tell us that at the appropriate place in the form below. If you use slides, images, video, or other collateral during your presentation, you must provide the SouthEast LinuxFest with a copy of it under the same license that you agreed upon in the speaker release so we can produce the best possible audio and video.

We will be using Jitsi for our production stream with Zoom as a backup.  If you would like to test how Jitsi works for you, go here:

The time slots for lightning talks on Sunday are as follows:
- Sun: 12:00-12:15 ET
- Sun: 12:30-12:45 ET
- Sun: 1:00-1:15 ET
- Sun: 1:30-1:45 ET
- Sun: 2:00-2:15 ET
- Sun: 2:30-2:45 ET
- Sun: 3:00-3:15 ET
- Sun: 3:30-3:45 ET

We are looking for content for all experience levels from beginner to neckbeard.  Some particular areas we're really looking for talks this year include desktop linux, gimp, inkscape, golang, python, security, infosec, secops, hybrid cloud, SIEMs, EDR, golang, rust, python, VyOS, pfsense, TrueNAS, bash, and networking.  That being said, please don't be discouraged from submitting a talk outside of those things listed. We will continue to look for, welcome, encourage, and accept talks pertaining to enterprise, BSD, ham radio, historical technology, anything FOSS, and generally almost anything geeky.

There are no restrictions on the amount of talks you may submit. If you feel like you have multiple good talks you can deliver then submit this form multiple times.   We encourage multiple submissions!
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Full name *
Email Address *
How are you involved in open source?  (Include dayjob if relevant)
Talk Title (Keep it relatively short for program guide printing purposes) *
Talk description (This is your sales pitch to an attendee to see your talk.  We will use this for our schedules.   Be concise but thorough.) *
Name, Position and Employer, and Brief Bio  (For printing in our program guide and schedules) *
Who would this talk appeal to? What would they learn? *
I understand and accept the terms of the SouthEast LinuxFest speaker release linked to at the top of this form.  Saying no here means you just filled out this enormous form for nothing, and your input will be forwarded to /dev/null *
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